Devil May Cry 3 takes place well before Devil May Cry 1, like how Castlevania 3 takes place well before Castlevania 1, though you still play as Dante instead of playing as his ancestor. You basically have to stop his half brother, Vergil, from trying to connect the demon and human worlds, which would destroy the human race. Even though that sounds interesting, the plot is far from the reason to care for the cutscenes - it's Dante who makes them work. His cocky personality and one liners are enough to make any gamer either like or hate him, and.. I think he's awesome. I found him to be a potentially cool character in the first game, then he lost his personality in the second game, so to fix it up, well, that's why this game is a prequel.
But yeah, the reason Devil May Cry works so well is the combat engine. It feels so smooth and yet so insane that you can't help but keep playing it, even when you're getting your ass handed to you and have to start at the beginning of the level... ooh yeah, it's a hard motherfucker, especially the original edition of Devil May Cry 3 in America and Europe, whose normal mode is actually the Japanese hard mode... whoops Capcom, but we forgive you for balancing it out in the special edition, plus being able to play as Vergil? Shit yeah! But yeah, despite the fact that enemies hit hard, healing items are few and far between, levels can be long and bosses can be a real test of skill, the way the combat engine is done is just fantastic. It will keep you coming back because you know it's your fault for dying, and you want to beat the game so you can feel like a real man! That's the kind of difficulty I like - one that encourages you to get better, and is unforgiving, but is still well designed. Devil May Cry 3 is still a great game to play, which is not quite what I would say about a lot of hack and slash games during the sixth generation (in fact, the only others worth a damn would be Prince Of Persia and Ninja Gaiden - the rest just don't have that oomph if you ask me).
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